It’s always interesting reading when someone smug and sanctimonious writes a clueless diatribe about another group of people being smug …
Future planning was once believed to be a skill that only humans and great apes can manage, but now researchers …
There’s no way to tell how society will one day collapse, but when it does, there’s no doubt that resources …
A recent undercover investigation conducted by BBC found that several McDonalds, Burger Kings and KFC restaurants in the United Kingdom …
It’s not something that most of us like to think about, but the chances of a nuclear weapon one day …
As preppers, many of us take the time to meticulously plan and rehearse for the day when the big SHTF …
If you feel like prepping is a waste of money or if you think you don’t have the money to …
Today more than ever our fractious, factionalized society seems closer to the brink of collapse than at any time since …
What if tomorrow the United States was hit by a massive EMP strike that destroys the power grid and forces …
Needless to say, the United States has changed a lot since we officially declared our independence in 1776. What used …